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Metalex Liquid level glass in ductile steel which meets the strictest requirements on inductrial and marine refrigeration installations. The liquid level glass are offered in 2 diffrent versions

  • With welding nipples ( LGX )
  • With stop valves equipped with caps ( LGX SV )

The range of liquid level glasses is based on 3 basic liquid level glasses :

  • LGX 185
  • LGX 335
  • LGX 740

LGX produce sufficient flow areas to secure the highest possible degree of synchonous operation, and have a specially hardened reflection glass for quick reading. The front and base frame are mounted together from the front with countersunk allen screws. This ensures easy installation on site as well as easy inspection and service, if any.


All liquid level glasses are equipped as standard with a built in safety system ( non return device). If a glass is damaged , the pressure of the refrigerant will activate the system and refrigerant loss will be limited to an absolute minimum.


  • Applicable to all common non flammable refrigerants including R717 an non corrosive gases / Liquid dependent on sealing material aompatibility. Flammable hydrocarbons are not recommended
  • Temperature range : -50°C / +100°C   ( -58°F / +212°F )
  • Maximum operating pressure : 25 bar g  ( 363 psi g )
  • Equipped with boron silicate glass, hardened by an accurately controlled heat treatment process.


Liquid level glass - LGX
with safety system and welding nipples
  Liquid level glass - LGX SV
with safety system and stop valves
Length Ordering code   Length Ordering code
mm in   mm in
185 7.5" LGX 185   185 7.5" LGX SV 185
335 13.25" LGX 335   335 13.25" LGX SV 335
590 23.25" LGX 590   590 23.25" LGX SV 590
740 29.25" LGX 740   740 29.25" LGX SV 740
995 39.25" LGX 995   995 39.25" LGX SV 995
1145 45" LGX 1145   1145 45" LGX SV 1145
1550 61" LGX 1550   1550 61" LGX SV 1550


* For more sizes contact metalex

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